How should patients be prepared prior to the ultrasound exam? | For abdominal studies a minimum 8 hours preferably 12 hours fasting is requested to limit gas distension of the stomach and intestines and to allow distension of the gall bladder. We also ask that the patient is prevented from urinating for at least 2 hours prior to the examination to fascilitate some urinary distension of the bladder. Longer may be required for specific urinary studies.
How should I shave the patient in preparation for the appointment? | Following owner consent; For abdominal ultrasounds please shave from about 1cm above the xiphysternum laterally over the ribs to just below the sub lumbar muscles and down towards the hips and over the pelvis region on both sides of the abdomen. (see picture coming soon) For cardiac ultrasounds feel for the cardiac apex beat and shave a 5-10cm square window on both sides of the chest centred over this region and extending towards the sternum. |
Will sedation be required? | Whilst ultrasound is generally a low stress procedure we often find that we can obtain much better images if the patient is fully relaxed, so yes, we will often ask for the patient to be sedated by your clinic prior to our arrival. Placement of an IV cannula can also assist this process if top ups are required. We will call and advise you of our arrival time to make sure this helps everyone keep to schedule- we know how busy your day can get. The exception to this is the cardiac patient; please discuss this with us prior to the appointment. If fine needle aspirates, biopsies or centesis are required then sedation or anaesthesia will almost always be necessary. Whilst Sydney Veterinary Sonography is operated by a registered Veterinary Surgeon we ask that your veterinary staff be responsible for all written consents, sedation, anaesthesia & monitoring of patients in your care during the ultrasound. |
Who will discuss the results with the owners? | Sydney Veterinary Sonography will provide you with a verbal report of the ultrasound findings and a copy of all the images on a USB at the time of the scan & a written report within 24hours. We do not communicate directly with your clients ( unless you ask us to) we leave this entirely up to you. |
How can I book an ultrasound? | Bookings can be made by phoning us directly or by completing the Contact section on our website. We only take bookings directly from Veterinary Clinics, not from the general public to ensure appropriate testing and medical follow up is being performed. If an appointment has already been made and you need to add an additional patient please let us know as far as possible in advance. Every effort will be made to accomodate these where our schedule allows. |
What about Payment? | Payment is required to be made on the day of the appointment or within 14 day terms with prior arrangement and an account will be sent to you. Cash , Credit Card or direct debit payment options are available. |